Ahmad Moshaii
(Tarbiat Modares University)
11.02.10, 11:30
Simulation of development of a signal in an RPC is presented using simultaneous solution of transport equations for electrons, negative and positive ions. The model also includes space charge effect of all charged particles by Poisson equation. The equations are numerically solved using the Lax finite difference scheme. The simulation can well produce three modes of operation of RPC, i.e....
Roberto Cardarelli
(INFN "Tor Vergata")
11.02.10, 11:50
The performances of RPCs are strictly correlated with the FE Electronics parameters.
The prompt charge signal, picked-up on read-out electrodes, has shape and amplitude which depend on the gas mixture, on the applied electric field and on the gas gap width.
The best working point of the detector, which minimize the aging and optimize the time resolution, efficiency and rate capability, is...
Tapasi Ghosh
(VECC, Kolkata)
11.02.10, 12:10
The roughness of the inner surface of resistive plates plays an important role on the performance of RPC. A Monte Carlo simulation method has been developed for the trigger RPC operating in avalanche mode.
Propagation of charged particles through the RPC gas, generation of electrons and their multiplication as well as the saturation and induction [1] are implemented. Experimental data will be...
Giulio Aielli
(University and INFN of Roma "Tor Vergata")
11.02.10, 12:30
The current absorbed by an RPC represents the sum of the charge delivered in the gas by the ionizing events interesting the gap, integrated by the electrodes time constant.
This is typically of the order of tens of ms thus dominating the gas discharge time scale and characterizing the granular structure observed in the current signal.
In most cases this structure is considered as noise to be...
Juan A. Garzon
(University of Santiago de Compostela)
11.02.10, 12:50
TimTrack is a tracking algorithm to be used with timing detectors, being specially
suitable to work with timing RPCs or fast scintillators. It is being developed in the framework of the Trasgo (TRAck reconStructinG mOdule) project aiming the development of a detector able to work stand-alone with full tracking and timing capabilities.
TimTrack works directly with the primary information...