Buffet after 18:30
CAEN presentation
GSI facility guided tour
Dominic Rossi
(GSI Darmstadt)
10.02.10, 17:00
The NeuLAND detector for R3B at FAIR will detect high‐energy neutrons and will be based on timing resistive plate chambers. Current RPC detectors for timing purposes often use a common gas mixture, composed of 85% Reclin‐134a, 10% sulfur hexafluoride, and 5% isobutane, which allows the operation of the detector under optimal conditions. Each gas has a series of advantages and disadvantages,...
Jaime de Urquijo
(Instituto de Ciencias Físicas)
10.02.10, 17:00
One of the most significant goals of swarm physics is determination of the charged particle scattering cross sections based on the available, transport data, such as drift velocity (W) and effective transverse characteristic energy (DT /μ). The first coefficient is the most sensitive to the elastic momentum transfer cross section, and the latter to the energy balance. This fact enables us to...
Monika Jindal
(Panjab University Chandigarh)
10.02.10, 17:00
Here we present the methods for the estimation of L1 trigger effciency of RPC detector placed in the muon chamber of CMS experiment. Two independent methods, Tag&Probe and DTvsRPC, have been tested for RPC trigger eficiency measurement using cosmic muon data and Monte-Carlo cosmic muon sample. The cosmic muon data is collected during Cosmic Run At Full Tesla (CRAFT08) during the year 2008...
Dmitry Yakorev
(FZD Dresden-Rossen)
10.02.10, 17:00
Prototypes for the NeuLAND detector have been built at FZD and GSI and then studied using the 32MeV pulsed electron beam at the superconducting electron accelerator ELBE in Dresden, Germany. Owing to the new, single-electron per bunch mode of operation, a rapid validation of the design criteria (>=90% efficiency for minimum ionizing particles, s_t <= 100 ps time resolution) was...
Christoph Caesar
(GSI Darmstadt)
10.02.10, 17:00
A detector for momentum measurement of high-energy neutrons in the energy range 0.2 - 1 GeV is being developed for the R3B (Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams) experiment at FAIR. Based on the running LAND detector at GSI, NeuLAND will consist of a layered structure made of iron converters, to convert neutrons mainly to protons, and multigap resistive plate chamber (MRPC) detectors...
Enrique Casarejos
(Universidade de Vigo)
10.02.10, 17:00
The detection setup of the R3B experiment in the FAIR facility includes time of flight (ToF) walls, dedicated to the isotopic identification of ions of any charge and mass at energies of some hundreds AMeVs. The experiments related to heavy ions require large active surfaces and a very demanding time resolution (<50 ps) for the ToF detectors in order to accomplish with their duties with...
Giovanna Saviano
(INFN-LNF Frascati)
10.02.10, 17:00
The CMS RPC muon detector utilizes a gas recirculation system (Closed Loop) to cope with high gas mixture volumes and costs. A systematic study of Closed Loop gas purifiers has been carried out in 2008 and 2009 at the ISR experimental area of CERN, with the use of RPC chambers with currents monitoring, and gas analysis sampling points. Results on contaminants release and purifier characterization.
Yu-Cheng Wu
(Tsinghua University, Beijing)
10.02.10, 17:00
A kind of two-dimension readout mode for the induced signal readout of MRPC has been studied in both simulation and experiments. Several MRPC prototypes are produced and a series of test experiments have been done to compare with the result of simulation, in order to verify the simulation model. The experiment results are in line with those of simulation. This method will be used to design the...
Luís Lopez
(LIP Coimbra)
10.02.10, 17:00
The RPC timing properties are determined by the maximum ionization rate that can be sustained while keeping the streamer fraction at modest values. This last characteristic, resilience to streamers, cannot today be fully calculated, calling for an experimental approach.
In this work we systematically study the influence of a range of gas mixtures on the performance (background counting rate,...
Daniel Stach
(FZD Dresden-Rossendorf)
10.02.10, 17:00
In the framework of detector development efforts worldwide, there is an increasing demand for a rapid and reliable way of testing timing RPC’s regarding their efficiency and time resolution. One possible avenue to reach this goal is to employ pulsed electron beams of several tens of MeV energy, which are close to the minimum of ionization. The timing response can then be measured with the...
Alejandro Gil Ortiz
10.02.10, 17:00
The Control and Monitoring System designed for the Front-End Electronics of the HADES RPC detector, installed at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (Darmstadt, Germany), is described. The slow control system controls/monitors about 6500 variables and is being implemented using the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Software tool kit. A MEDM graphical...
Georgy Kornakov
(University of Santiago de Compostela)
10.02.10, 17:00
Timing RPCs are very interesting detectors that provide outstanding timing resolution
and fast response at an affordable price to cover big surfaces. These features put together with the TimTrack reconstruction algorithm and an electronic chain composed by a FEE amplifying and digitizing electronics and an intelligent data acquisition board ( opens the possibility of developing an innovative...
Sumanta Pal
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)
10.02.10, 17:00
The India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) collaboration is planning to build a glass RPC based magnetised iron calorimeter (ICAL). A prototype detector stack comprising of 12 RPCs of 1m x 1m in area is setup to track cosmic ray muons. In order to demonstrate its capability to distinguish between up-going and down-going particles, we measured the velocity of the cosmic muons recorded in this...
Samuel Deepak
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)
10.02.10, 17:00
A 12 layer 1m x1m glass RPC stack is operational and collecting cosmic ray data for the last two years at TIFR. A VME based DAQ systeem with various graphical interfaces for data acquisition and monitoring has been developed. Both hardware and software aspects of this system will be discussed in this paper.