24-27 April 2018
Europe/Berlin timezone

Plasma physics at FAIR using intense ion and laser beams

25 Apr 2018, 18:45
KBW lecture hall (GSI)

KBW lecture hall


Planckstr. 1 64291 Darmstadt / Germany


Dr Paul Neumayer (GSI, Darmstadt)


Intense beams of energetic heavy ions offer a novel path towards volumetric heating of dense millimeter-sized targets. In the APPA cave at the future FAIR facility these capabilities will be exploited to study matter at extreme conditions and dense strongly-coupled plasmas. The talk will give a short introduction to the planned experimental facilities and platforms, as well as examples of experiments planned by the plasma physics collaboration. Also, activities within FAIR phase-0 in the next years will be reported.

Primary author

Dr Paul Neumayer (GSI, Darmstadt)

Presentation Materials

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