Maksym Miski-Oglu
(GSI, Darmstadt)
In 2017 s newly developed superconducting 15-gap RF-accelerator cavity has been successfully tested at GSI . After a short commissioning and ramp up time of some days, a Crossbar H-cavity accelerated first time heavy ion beams with full transmission up to the design beam energy of 1.85 MeV/u. The design acceleration gain of 3.5 MV inside a length of less than 70 cm has been verified with heavy ion beam of up to 1.5 particle mueA. The measured beam parameters showed excellent beam quality, while a dedicated beam dynamics layout provides beam energy variation between 1.2 and 2.2 MeV/u. As a next step towards an entire superconducting heavy ion cw-Linac with variable beam energy (3.5 - 7.3 MeV/u at A/q = 6) the first fully equiped cryo module CM1, will be set up and tested. Results of the recent beam test campaign as well as a scenario for user operation using cw-heavy ion beams from CM1 and entire cw-linac will be presented
Winfried Barth
(GSI, Darmstadt)
Maksym Miski-Oglu
(GSI, Darmstadt)