PID ToF Session at CM XXIX

Wataghin (Uni & INFN Torino)


Uni & INFN Torino

Via P.Giuria, 1 10125 Torino Italia
Carsten Schwarz (GSI)
PID subgroup TOF Vladimir Vikhrov presented simulations of coincidences in the scintillator TOF-barrel and TOF-Wall . He assumed the TOF-barrel particle is a pion and reconstructed then the particle in the TOF-wall for different momentum bins. In addition he showed results from the prototype test setup. Alexander Akindinov talked about the design of a RPC prototype and the electronic readout chain. Within the gas volume there is only a low power amplifier. The remaining electronics is outside. Important for the electronic boards is the separation between signal and high voltage with shielding layers. It turned out that a missing analog output causes problems to adjust the thresholds for the NINO circuits. Bertram Kopf presented his simulation results of the influence of material in front of the EMC. He simulated material of 10% and 20% radiation length, and the pi0 efficiency dropped by 10% and 20%, the signal to background ratio by 20% and 40%, respectively. The DIRC and TOF detector was not yet in an optimized position, as close as possible to the EMC. General TOF discussion A task force was initiated to raise and answer questions like physics case, needed time resolution for a required resolution power. Also the influence on other detectors like the usage of the TOF as reference time for the DIRC and tracker systems needs to be studied. One question is the determination of a reasonable material budget. Stan Belostotski agreed to manage this task force. Time frame for the questions are the next weeks, for the answers the next collaboration meeting in Juelich.
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