3-6 April 2017
Europe/Berlin timezone

Coulex-induced fission of neutron-deficient pre-actinides

5 Apr 2017, 17:20
Großer Saal (Lichtenberghaus)

Großer Saal


Dieburger Straße 241 64287 Darmstadt Germany


Dr Laurent Audouin (Université Paris Sud / IPN Orsay)


It is proposed to study the fission process in the region of neutron-deficient nuclides of masses 210 to 180 using the updated R3B/SOFIA setup. Secondary beams produced by the FRS will undergo fission by Coulomb excitation, and fission fragments will be identified in mass and charge, allowing to map and characterize the transition toward a new mode of fission.

Primary author

Dr Laurent Audouin (Université Paris Sud / IPN Orsay)


Dr Audrey CHATILLON (CEA - Arpajon) Julien TAIEB (CEA Bruyeres le Chatel)

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