Monday: SB3 3.170a Seminarraum Theorie, Tuesday: KBW building side room
Monday: SB3 3.170a Seminarraum Theorie, Tuesday: KBW building side room
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Planckstrasse 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
The workshop is organized by the LIGHT collaboration and focuses on the beam shaping of laser-driven ion beams. The main topics are:
- Laser-driven ion sources and ion collection strategies
- Laser-driven ion beamlines worldwide
- Last results from the LIGHT experiment
- Brainstorming on the future plans for LIGHT
- Applications of laser-driven ion beamlines
The workshop will start Monday, September 26th, at 01:00 PM and will end on Tuesday, September 27th, around afternoon. There will be several sessions for talks and discussions as well as a dinner on Monday evening.
Registration please via the form on this page. Application for a talk is possible within the registration form, too. (If you have an indico account, you may first log in and then use it for the registration process.)
Recent Results on Ion Acceleration at LULI and Overview of the Apollon Facility
MrSimon Bolaños(LULI)
Coffee Break
Related Research Activities II
Neutralized Drift Compression for Short and Intense Ion Pulses
MrMarc Zimmer(TU Darmstadt)
Pulsed Ion Beams at Berkeley Lab - NDCX-II and BELLA-i
DrThomas Schenkel(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Enhanced TNSA Target, Magnetized Targets, Downfocusing of Final LIGHT beam, User Interest in Parametric Studies for a Coil Based Field Creation Platform
MrMathieu Bailly-Grandvaux(CELIA - Université de Bordeaux), MrMichael Ehret(TU Darmstadt)