SPARC Instrumentation
- Theo Zouros (Univ. of Crete)
Viorica Stancalie
(National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Romania)
9/20/16, 9:25 AM
The Technical Design Reports: SPARC@HERS:Instrumentation approved by the Expert Committee Experiments (ECE) on 22 Jan 2016 establishes a large group of Institutes, including National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR), distributed over the subjects Laser Spectroscopy, Intense Laser/Ion Interaction and Laser Cooling. More than 70 researchers, including the INFLPR...
Jan Rothhardt
(GSI, Darmstadt)
9/20/16, 9:50 AM
The talk will report on the latest achievements in high repetition rate table-top XUV sources. These devices, based on high harmonic generation of femtosecond fiber lasers, now deliver up to 1 mW (~1E14 photons/s) and 26.6eV. The concept for an XUV source and beam delivery to be first used for Photoionization experiments at CRYRING will be presented. This instrument will be portable and can,...
Volker Tympel
(Friedrich‐Schiller‐University Jena, Institute of Solid State Physics)
9/20/16, 10:15 AM
The presentation starts with the basic principle of the Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC) as a high-sensitive, non-destructive monitoring tool for charged beams with nA-intensities. It will be shown that superconducting is essential to get the outstanding performance, and the main superconducting parts like the toroidal pick-up coil, the shielding, the DC-matching-transformer, the...