Sergiy Trotsenko
(GSI, Darmstadt)
One of the goals of Helmholtz Institute Jena with respect to the Facility for Antiproton and
Ion Research is to provide highly charged, low-energy ions by using the S-EBIT facility
currently being installed at GSI [1]. This is of particular importance during the FAIR
construction related shutdown period of the GSI accelerator complex, when little to no beam
time can be provided. During this period the S-EBIT shall facilitate research and development
works for SPARC experiments at FAIR. This accelerator-independent source of HCI will not
only provide ions necessary for R&D of HITRAP [2] experimental stations but also serve as a
standalone device for research and R&D activities (e.g. development of x-ray spectrometers,
calorimeter detectors, x-ray optics etc. [3]). Furthermore, the combination of S-EBIT with
the available laser infrastructure e.g. JETI200 will be a unique platform for the study of highly
charged ions subject to intense laser radiation [4] as it is planned at a later stage once the SEBIT
facility has been moved to Jena. An overview of the research program as well as the
status of the current activities will be presented.
[1] R. Schuch et al., JINST5, C12018 (2010)
[2] F. Herfurth et al., Phys. Scr. T166, 014065 (2015)
[3] D. Hengstler et al., Phys. Scr. T166, 014054 (2015)
[4] M. Vogel et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 285, 65 (2012)
Primary author
Sergiy Trotsenko
(GSI, Darmstadt)