During the academic semesters the plasma physics department hosts seminars on Tuesday at 2:30 pm.
If you have questions or want to suggest a speaker/topic, please contact Prof. Olga Rosmej or Dr. Paul Neumayer.
K-shell radiation caused by laser accelerated electrons and heavy ions as an instrument for WDM diagnostic
Dr.Olga N. Rosmej(GSI Darmstadt und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Seminarraum Theorie (GSI)
Seminarraum Theorie
Investigation of High Energy Density matter created by intense Uranium beams at FAIR is a big challenge, which demands development and verification of new diagnostic methods and instruments. In this context, the Petawatt High-Energy Laser System for Ion beam eXperiments “PHELIX” already nowadays allows a variety of FAIR relevant experiments directed on creation and investigation of HED/WDM matter.
In the talk, diagnostic of WDM parameters using high resolved X-ray spectroscopy of the target K-shell radiation caused by laser accelerated electrons and heavy ions will be discussed.