Florian Kroll
(HZDR and TU Dresden)
13.01.15, 09:00
The presented work will summarize the development of pulsed high-field magnets and power converter technology at HZDR in 2014 for application in laser-plasma physics. The talk will focus on miniature magnetic solenoids, pulsed multipole magnets and the generation of high-current pulses.
Peter Schmidt
(TU Darmstadt)
13.01.15, 09:40
This work faces on the optimization of the RPA beam quality in dependence of the laser and target parameters: - A relativistic two fluid model of the laser plasma interaction is derived. From this analytical model, two important perceptions will be obtained: 1) An approximation to the maximum achievable kinetic energy. Within this, a termination criterion for the RPA mechanism is achieved,...