12.–13. Jan. 2015
GSI Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

The UK A-Sail Ion acceleration collaboration

13.01.2015, 10:15
Seminarraum Theorie SB3.3.170a (GSI Darmstadt)

Seminarraum Theorie SB3.3.170a

GSI Darmstadt

Planckstraße 1, 64291 Darmstadt


David Neely (CLF, STFC)


A UK grant funded consortium was formed in 2013 to further research into laser driven ion accelerators for potential medical applications. The consortium which consists of Queens University, The University of Strathclyde, Imperial College London and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory will coordinate developments in this area. I will report on our efforts to improve the understanding of ion acceleration at high intensities and deliver better beam stability and the development of new cryo target capability and ion beam diagnostics which can operate at high repetition rates. I will present an overview of our work in the first year of this grant and our plans for the future years.


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