MatX - 2nd workshop on "Materials in Extreme Environments"
GSI Helmholtz Centre Darmstadt
GSI Helmholtz Centre Darmstadt
In continuation of the first successful MatX workshop ( Michigan State University in May 2013), the goal of this two-day workshop is to bring together experts in the areas given below and to discuss new opportunities, synergies, and challenges in materials science, to develop methods for resolving materials damage processes at ultrafast time scales, to study swift heavy ion and ultrafast laser damage effects in particular in radiation hard materials such as graphite, diamond, carbon-based composites and alloys. This information exchange is important to optimize and find new materials that are critical to the next-generation of high-power accelerators and to the broader extreme-materials community.
The format of the MAtX workshop is invited talks plus selected contributions with ample time for discussion. At present two full days are planned and about 30-50 participants are anticipated. There will be no workshop fee.
If you are interested in making an oral contribution please provide us with title and a brief abstract. The MatX steering team will decide if your contribution can be accommodated in the program.
Please respond by August 30, 2014. We plan to have a tentative workshop agenda available by mid of September.