Vorsitzende der Sitzung
session I
- Volker Metag (II. Physikalisches Institut, Univ. Giessen)
Shuntaro Sakai
(Kyoto University)
17.09.14, 13:30
In this talk, we discuss the eta' optical potential based on the eta'N two body interaction obtained from a chiral effective model.
The eta' mass reduction inside the nuclear medium is expected by the degeneracy of the pseudoscalar-singlet and octet mesons in the chiral restored phase in the chiral limit.
The observation of the eta'-nucleus bound state is planned experimentally.
Here, we...
Wojciech Krzemien
(M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, 30-059 Cracow, Poland)
17.09.14, 13:50
The eta-mesic nuclei in which the eta meson is bound with nucleus via strong interaction was postulated about 25 years ago, however till now there is no direct experimental confirmation of its existence.
We search for an evidence of eta-mesic He with the WASA detector. An exclusive measurement of the excitation functions for the dd->3Heppi- and for the dd->3Henpi0->3Hengg reactions was...
Hideko Nagahiro
(Nara Women's University)
17.09.14, 14:10
We show theoretical calculations for the formation spectra of
eta'(958)-nucleus systems in the (p,d) reaction for the investigation of
the in-medium modification of the eta' mass [1]. We conclude that one
finds an evidence of possible attractive interaction between eta' and
nucleus as peak structure. Spectroscopy of the (p,d) reaction can be
performed experimentally at existing...
Marcin Zielinski
(Jagiellonian University)
17.09.14, 14:30
The dynamics of $\eta$ meson production and the interaction of $\eta$ mesons with nucleons can be studied using the
$\vec{p}p\to pp\eta$ reaction via measurements of the analyzing power $A_{y}$.
Previous experiments measuring $A_{y}$ suffer from low statistics~[1,2,3] and large uncertainities, therefore
further studies are desirable.
To this end, we have performed a measurement of the...
Jaroslava Hrtankova
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez, Czech Republic)
17.09.14, 14:50
\noindent Interaction of antiproton with nuclei \\
J. Hrt\'{a}nkov\'{a}, J. Mare\v{s} \\
Nuclear Physics Institute, 250 68 \v{R}e\v{z}, Czech Republic \\[10pt]
This contribution reports on our recent, first fully self-consistent calculations
of $\bar{p}$ bound states in selected nuclei, performed within the relativistic
mean-field (RMF) model using optical...
Luca Venturelli
(Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Universita' degli Studi di Brescia and INFN)
17.09.14, 15:10
The ASACUSA collaboration has a wide physics program mainly focused to test CPT invariance through the spectroscopy of antihydrogen and of antiprotonic helium.
In addition, a part of the experimental program concerns the measurement the antiproton annihilation cross sections on different nuclei at very low energy which is of interest both for nuclear physics and for fundamental...