Electromagnetic baryon form factors in the Poincaré covariant Faddeev approach

17.09.2014, 16:10



Prof. Reinhard Alkofer (University Graz)


Recent results for the Green's functions of Landau gauge QCD will be used to formulate a Poincaré-covariant Faddeev approach to baryons. The resulting three-body amplitudes for a given spin and parity describe the quark core of the respective baryons. In recent calculations the full three-body problem has been solved in a framework in which the interaction among quarks is reduced to a vector-vector interaction via a single dressed-gluon exchange (Rainbow-Ladder truncation). The formalism allows for the study of the baryon spectrum as well as their internal properties. In this talk I will focus on recent results for electromagnetic form factors for nucleons and spin-3/2 baryons. Their model independent features are assessed using two different models for the interaction. The results for charge radii and magnetic moments as a function of the quark current mass provide some indication what the pion cloud (missing in this calculation but present in nature) may contribute to baryonic properties.


Prof. Reinhard Alkofer (University Graz)


Dr. Gernot Eichmann (University of Giessen) Dr. Helios Sanchis Alepuz (U. Gießen) Dr. Richard Williams (U. Gießen)


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