Positronium 1S-2S spectroscopy

15 Sep 2014, 11:30


Paolo Crivelli (Institute for Particle Physics, ETH Zurich)


We report the status of our ongoing experiment at ETH Zurich (in collaboration with MPQ Garching and Marquette University) aiming to improve by a factor of 5 the current precision of the 1S-2S transition frequency of positronium. This will provide a stringent test of the QED calculations at the alpha⁷m level. We will describe the details of the experimental setup and the first observation of the annihilations of Ps in the 2S state. We will also discuss the prospects of a further improvement of this measurement and of the 1S-2S transition interval of muonium.

Primary author

Paolo Crivelli (Institute for Particle Physics, ETH Zurich)

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