30 August 2015 to 4 September 2015
MartiniPlaza Congress Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Testing Lorentz invariance in weak decays

31 Aug 2015, 18:15
Room 5

Room 5


Auke Sytema (Van Swinderen Institute / University of Groningen)


Lorentz invariance is the invariance of physical laws under boosts and rotations. It is a key assumption in Special Relativity and the Standard Model of Particle Physics but has not been investigated in detail in the weak interactions. At the Van Swinderen Institute in Groningen a theoretical and experimental research program was started to study Lorentz invariance violation (LIV). The theoretical work led to a framework allowing a systematic approach to search for LIV in weak decays. Based on various experiments limits were set on parameters that quantify LIV. A novel beta decay experiment was designed which tests rotational invariance. Specifically, the dependence of the lifetime of polarized 20Na atoms on the polarization direction was measured as a function of sidereal time. The experiment sets a limit 2x10^-4 at 90% C.L. on sidereal variations of the relative lifetime. The experimental method and results will be discussed within the context of the theoretical framework.

Primary author

Auke Sytema (Van Swinderen Institute / University of Groningen)


Mr Coen Pijpker (Van Swinderen Institute / University of Groningen) Mr Elwin Dijck (KVI) Dr Gerco Onderwater (KVI / University of Groningen) Hans Wilschut (Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut of the University of Groningen) Mr Jacob Noordmans (KVI/RUG) Ms Keri Vos (KVI) Prof. Klaus Jungmann (FMNS, University of Groningen) Dr Lorenz Willmann (KVI, University of Groningen) Prof. Rob TIMMERMANS (KVI, Groningen) Dr Stefan E. Mueller (KVI) Dr Steven Hoekstra (KVI / University of Groningen)

Presentation Materials