Daniel Lersch
(Juelich Research Center Germany)
The study of η-decays allows to probe symmetry-breaking phenomena, to test theoretical calculations and to explore the anomalous sector of QCD. In order to perform those studies two data samples have been acquired with the WASA-at-COSY facility at Forschungszentrum Juelich. A proton beam is accelerated within the COSY storage ring towards a liquid deuterium or a liquid hydrogen pellet target producing η-mesons via: pd → 3He η or pp → ppη. The η-decay products as well as the forward-scattered projectiles are detected within the 4π WASA-at-COSY detector. A first round of experiments was done with the pd → 3He η reaction used for the study of the more abundant η-decay channels and to set up the framework for a common analysis. In order to address the rare η-decays a high-statistics data set has been collected in the reaction pp → ppη. The current analysis of the pp → ppη data set is related to the following decay modes of the η-meson: η → π+π-π0 is isospin violating and allows to probe quark masses. η → e+e-γ and η → e+e-e+e- serve to determine the electromagnetic transition form factor. C-violation can be tested via η → π0e+e-. The radiative decay η → π+π-γ is sensitive to the box anomaly. This talk will give an overview about the status of the analyses.
Primary author
Daniel Lersch
(Juelich Research Center Germany)
WASA-at-COSY Collaboration