ECTI 2014 - 3rd European Conference on Trapped Ions

from Monday, 15 September 2014 (09:00) to Friday, 19 September 2014 (19:00)
Schloss Waldthausen, Germany

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
15 Sep 2014
16 Sep 2014
17 Sep 2014
18 Sep 2014
19 Sep 2014
Session 1 - Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Welcome by Vice President of University of Mainz and PRISMA/Mainz Spokesperson - Wolfgang Hofmeister (Mainz) Hartmut Wittig (Mainz)   ()
09:30 A quantum information processor with trapped ions - Rainer Blatt (Innsbruck)   ()
10:00 Dissipative state preparation and direct measurement of trapped-ion motion in an engineered harmonic oscillator basis - Jonathan Home (ETHZ)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Session 2 - Klaus Blaum (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Structural Phase Transitions and 2-D Spectroscopy in Ion Traps - Martin Plenio (Ulm)   ()
11:30 Optical clocks based on strongly forbidden electronic and nuclear transitions in trapped ions - Ekkehard Peik (PTB)   ()
12:00 The NIST Al+ quantum-logic clock - David Leibrandt (NIST Boulder)   ()
Session 5 - Jochen Walz (until 10:30) ()
09:00 High-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometry on radionuclide - Jens Dilling (TRIUMF Canada)   ()
09:30 The g-factor of highly charged ions – Stress test for the Standard Model and access to fundamental constants - Sven Sturm (MPI Heidelberg)   ()
10:00 ISOLTRAP’s multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separator and spectrometer - Robert Wolf (Greifswald)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Session 6 - Joachim Ullrich (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Scaling up ion-trap-based quantum spin simulators and their excited state spectroscopy - Jim Freericks (Georgetown)   ()
11:30 Highly charged ions in Coulomb crystals - José Crespo (MPI Heidelberg)   ()
12:00 Production of a cold antihydrogen beam with a cusp trap - Simon van Gorp (RIKEN)   ()
Session 8 - Klaus Wendt (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Electric trapping and cooling of neutral polyatomic molecules - Gerd Rempe (MPQ Garching)   ()
09:30 Doppler-broadened and Doppler-free spectroscopy of the HD+ molecular hydrogen ion - Jeroen Koelemeji (Amsterdam)   ()
10:00 New Developments in Collisional and Spectroscopic Studies of Cold Molecular Ions in Traps - Stefan Willitsch (Basel)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Session 9 - Rainer Blatt (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Scalable quantum information processing with trapped ions at NIST - Dietrich Leibfried (NIST Boulder)   ()
11:30 High-fidelity qubit operations with 40Ca+ and 43Ca+ - David Lucas (Oxford)   ()
12:00 Microwave quantum logic and architectures for quantum technology with ions - Winfried Hensinger (Sussex)   ()
Session 10 - Martina Knoop (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Paul trapping of charged particles in aqueous solution - Mark Reed (Yale)   ()
09:30 Digital Ion Traps and the Production of Multiply Charged Cluster Anions - Lutz Schweikhard (Greifswald)   ()
10:00 Sideband cooling an ion to the quantum ground state in a Penning trap with very low heating rate - Danny Segal (Imperial London)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Session 11 - Rene Gerritsma (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Entanglement as a resource for a cavity-based quantum interface - Tracy Northup (Innsbruck)   ()
11:30 Sympathetic cooling of molecules in an ion trap - Eric Hudson (UCLA)   ()
12:00 Controlling strings of ions - Michael Drewsen (Aarhus)   ()
Session 13 - Ernst Otten (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Realizing a hybrid atom-ion trap for Li and Yb+ - Rene Gerritsma (Mainz)   ()
09:30 Ultracold atom-ion collisions - Zbigniew Idziaszek (Warschau)   ()
10:00 Direct photonic coupling of a semiconductor quantum dot and a trapped ion - Michael Köhl (Bonn)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee ---
Session 14 - Ulrich Poschinger (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Quantum Simulation of the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model Using Trapped Ions - Kenji Toyoda (Osaka)   ()
11:30 Engineering and observation of interacting quasiparticles in a trapped-ion many-body system - Cornelius Hempel (Innsbruck)   ()
12:00 Modular Quantum Information Processing - David Hucul (JQI Maryland)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Session 3 - Winfried Hensinger (until 16:00) ()
14:30 Kibble Zurek experiments in linear ion crystals - Tanja Mehlstäubler (PTB)   ()
15:00 Observation of the Kibble-Zurek scaling law and stability of defects in ion crystals - Stefan Ulm (Mainz)   ()
15:30 Proposal for Verification of the Haldane Phase Using Trapped Ions - Alex Retzker (Jerusalem)   ()
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Session 4 - Martin Plenio (until 18:00) ()
16:30 Weak dipolar interactions in trapped ion chains - Roee Ozeri (Weizmann)   ()
17:00 Embedding Quantum Simulators for Measuring Entanglement Monotones and n-time Correlation Functions - Julen Pedernales (Bilbao)   ()
17:30 Shortcuts to adiabaticity in trapped ion manipulation - Mikel Palmero (Bilbao)   ()
19:00 --- Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Session 7 - Ekkehard Peik (until 16:00) ()
14:30 ALPHA: Antihydrogen and Fundamental Physics - Niels Madsen (Swansea)   ()
15:00 Direct High-Precision Measurement of the Magnetic Moment of the Proton - Jochen Walz (Mainz)   ()
15:30 Beta decay of Highly Charged Ions - Yuri Litvinov (GSI)   ()
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Poster Session 1 (until 19:00) ()
19:00 --- Dinner ---
Evening talk 1 (until 21:00) ()
12:30 --- Excursion ---
19:00 --- Conference Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Session 12 - Günter Werth (until 16:00) ()
14:30 Testing time-reversal symmetry using trapped molecular ions - Kelvin Cossel (Boulder)   ()
15:00 Test of QED in extreme fields with highly charged ions confined in traps and rings - Vladimir Shabaev (St. Petersburg)   ()
15:30 Phase-Imaging Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance technique for high-precision measurements of nuclide masses - Sergey Eliseev (MPI Heidelberg)   ()
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Poster Session 2 (until 19:00) ()
19:00 --- Dinner ---
Evening talk 2 (until 21:00) ()
20:30 Evening talk 2 - Martina Knoop (Marseille)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Departure / Bus shuttle - Labtours in Mainz ---