1:00 PM
(KBW Lecture Hall)
1:15 PM
Towards Extreme Plasma Modelling at Exascale
Paul Gibbon
(FZ Jüelich)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
1:50 PM
Creating and probing Rydberg interacting many-body systems
Hanna Schempp
(KBW Lecture Hall)
2:25 PM
--- coffee ---
3:00 PM
Strongly coupled physics: when dynamics generates structure
Jens Braun
(TU Darmstadt)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
3:35 PM
Ultracold Fermi gases: Observation of second sound and more news
Rudolf Grimm
(Univ. Innsbruck & Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
4:10 PM
Charmonium production in ALICE at the LHC
Jens Wiechula
(Tübingen University)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
4:45 PM
--- Coffee ---
5:15 PM
EMMI featured talk: Physical Models of the Brain - Technologies, Theories and Synthesis
Karlheinz Meier
(Univ Heidelberg & Human Brain Project)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
6:15 PM
Posters & Wine
(KBW Lecture Hall)
7:00 PM
--- Dinner ---