
Propertis of Accelerated Protons and Applications

2 Oct 2013, 11:00
Lecture Hall (SB1.120) (GSI Darmstadt)

Lecture Hall (SB1.120)

GSI Darmstadt

Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt

Presentation Materials

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Ingo Hofmann (GSI Darmstadt, HI Jena)
02/10/2013, 11:00
Astrid Holler (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
02/10/2013, 11:30
Oliver Deppert (Institut für Kernphysik/Plasmaphysik, TU Darmstadt)
02/10/2013, 11:50
Laura Vassura (LULI, CNRS, CEA UPMC, Palaiseau and Università die Roma)
02/10/2013, 12:10
Building timetable...