Effects of space-time variation of fundamental constants and parity violation in atoms and ions
V.V. Flambaum(The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
SB3 2.283 (Atomic Physics Seminar Room)
SB3 2.283
Atomic Physics Seminar Room
This talk covers four different topics:
1. New results for variation of the fine structure constant alpha based on the quasar absorption spectra data indicate the variation of alpha in space. The spatial variation can explain fine tuning of the fundamental constants which allows humans (and any life) to appear. We appeared in the area of the Universe where the values of the fundamental constants are consistent with our existence. There is an agreement between the results obtained using different telescopes and different redshifts. These astrophysical results may be used to predict the variation effects in atoms, ions, molecules and nuclei where they are significantly enhanced.
2. Parity violation effects in atoms and ions are used to test the Standard model and search for new physics.
3. Atomic and molecular parity violation experiments are also used to measure the nuclear anapole moment - magnetic multipole which violates fundamental symmetries: parity (P) and charge conjugation (C). These measurements give us strength of the parity violating nuclear forces.
4. Measurements of the time-reversal violating interactions and electric dipole moments (EDM) in atomic and molecular experiments present a possibility to search for physics beyond the Standard model. We explain different mechanisms generating atomic EDM and present results of recent measurements testing models of CP violation. New generation of experiments with enhanced effects will put popular models (e.g. supersymmetry) to crucial test.