Science for a Sustainable Future Indo-German Science and Technology Connect

SB1 Hörsaaal (also Online)

SB1 Hörsaaal

also Online




    • 09:50 10:00
      Arrival to Campus BK1 4.020/19

      BK1 4.020/19

    • 10:00 10:15
      Welcome and Introduction 15m BK1. 4.020/19

      BK1. 4.020/19

    • 10:15 10:45
      Information about FAIR & GSI (Presentation Management Prof. Nilsson Dr Stummeyer and Mr Blaurock) BK1. 4.020/19

      BK1. 4.020/19

    • 10:45 12:00
      Civil Construction site Campus Tour (Photograph with the management and Guided by Mr Blaurock)
    • 12:00 12:30
      GSI Campus Tour

      Beam Control Room, SFRS miniCBM, and medical application Biophysics
      (Guided by Dr. Rahul Singh, Dr, Siva Purushothaman, Dr. Chattopadhyay and Dr. Haik Simon)

    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch with the Management 1 h
    • 14:00 15:30
      [HYBRID] Programme Part 2 | 14:00-15:30 (National Science Day at FAIR) GSI Hoersaal Moderation by Dr. Ramanuj Banerjee Embassy of India together with Dr. Pradeep Ghosh SB1 Hörsaaal

      SB1 Hörsaaal

      also Online

      ‘Science for a Sustainable Future’: A Golden Jubilee Lecture
      Indo-German Science and Technology Connect

      Welcome Speech – Prof. Thomas Nilsson, Scientific Managing Director (FAIR/GSI)
      Opening Address: Dr. Ramanuj Banerjee, Counsellor(S&T), Embassy of India, Berlin
      Inaugural Address: H.E Mr. Ajit Gupte, Ambassador of India to Germany

      Address on National Science Day theme: Science for a Sustainable Future
      Speaker: Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Secretary to the Government of India,
      Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, India

      Black holes and Galaxies: Nobel Laureate // Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel

      Positioning India in S&T and Astrophysics with success stories
      Speaker: Dr. Shekhar C. Mande Former Secretary, Department of Scientific and
      Industrial Research (DSIR), and former Director General, Council of Scientific and
      Industrial Research (CSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India and
      National President, Vijnana Bharati(VIBHA)

      Concluding Remarks: Prof. Annapurni Subramaniam, Director of Indian Institute of Astrophysics.

    • 15:30 16:30
      [PHYSICAL] Programme Part 3 | 15:30-16:30 (Networking session) Seitenraum Kantine

      Seitenraum Kantine

      Interaction meeting with India origin scientists and young students &
      Students representatives from Darmstadt and Frankfurt
      (Photograph with the Ambassador and Guests)

    • 16:30 16:35
      End Seitenraum Kantine

      Seitenraum Kantine