Roadshow - 13.02.2025 - powerBridge Computer Vertriebs GmbH - CAEN GmbH - STREICHER Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG - Agilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH

Foyer des Südbaus

Foyer des Südbaus


Am Donnerstag, den 13.02.2025 findet ab 10:00 Uhr im Foyer des Südbaus die nächste Roadshow statt. 

At Thursday  13.02.2025 from 10 am the next Roadshow will take place in the foyer of the southern building.

Teilnehmer / Participants


Alle Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter von FAIR und GSI sind herzlich eingeladen.

All employees of FAIR and GSI are cordially invited to attend.

Firmeninformation / Company Information:

powerBridge Computer Vertriebs GmbH
powerBridge Computer liefert seit 1993 Computersysteme und Computer-Boards von führenden Herstellern. Wir entwickeln und fertigen Industriecomputer, Kommunikationssysteme und Boards nach den Anforderungen unserer Kunden. Wir liefern Standardsysteme oder individuell nach ihren Wünschen gefertigte Industriecomputer. Diese ergänzen wir um Kommunikationsschnittstellen, analoge und digitale Interfaces, FPGA-Lösungen sowie Treiber-, Betriebssystem- und Management-Software.
Sie profitieren von unserer Erfahrung aus hunderten von Industrieanwendungen in Automation, Forschung, Medizintechnik, Telekommunikation, Verkehrstechnik, Luft- und Raumfahrt und Wehrtechnik. Unser Produktspektrum umfasst Boards, Chassis, Systeme und hochverfügbare Systemlösungen, basierend auf Industriestandards wie AdvancedTCA, CompactPCI, VMEbus, VPX und MicroTCA, sowie AMC, FMC und PMC/XMC Mezzanine-Module. Unser Portfolio komplettieren wir mit Windows-, Linux- und Echtzeitbetriebssystemen.
powerBridge Computer provides computer systems and boards from leading manufacturers since 1993. We design and integrate industrial computer systems, communication systems and boards according to our customers specifications and deliver standard systems or custom-made industrial computers. We complete these with communication modules, analogue and digital interfaces, FPGA solutions, as well as drivers, operating system and management software.
You will benefit from our experience in hundreds of industrial applications in automation, research, medical technology, telecommunications, transportation, aerospace and defence technology. Our product range includes boards, chassis, systems and high-availability systems based on industry standards such as AdvancedTCA, CompactPCI, VMEbus, VPX and MicroTCA, as well as AMC, FMC and PMC/XMC mezzanine modules. We support our range of products with Windows, Linux and real-time operating systems.


CAEN SpA is acknowledged as the only company in the world providing a complete range of High/Low Voltage Power Supply systems and
Front-End/Data Acquisition modules which meet IEEE Standards for Nuclear and Particle Physics.
Extensive Research and Development capabilities allowed CAEN SpA to play an important long term role in this field.
CAEN activities have always been at the forefront of technology, thanks to years of intensive collaborations with the most important Research Centres
of the world.
CAEN products appeal to a wide range of customers including engineers, scientists and technical professionals who all trust them to achieve their goals
faster and more effectively.
Strong of the experience in the physics research world CAEN instruments are today used in many advanced industrial applications.

Modular Pulse Processing Electronics
Waveform Digitizers
Digital Spectroscopy
Electronics for SiPM
Power Supplies
Digital Detector Emulators
Educational Kits

High Energy Physics
Neutrino Physics
Dark Matter Investigation
Nuclear Physics
Material Science
Medical Applications
Homeland Security
Industrial Applications


STREICHER Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
STREICHER, spol. s r.o. Plzen ist eine 100%-ige Tochtergesellschaft der international tätigen STREICHER Gruppe. Das Kerngeschäft des Geschäftsbereichs Maschinenbau ist die Herstellung von Vakuumanlagen, Vakuumkammern und kompletten Vakuumsystemen und deren Komponenten für die chemische, pharmazeutische, Lebensmittel- und Halbleiterindustrie, die Vakuumbeschichtung, Vakuum-Metallurgie, Vakuum-Wärmebehandlung, Raumfahrtindustrie (Simulationen, Testanlagen, Temperaturen von -180 bis +250°C) und für Wissenschaft und Forschung (Laser- und optische Technologien, Teilchenbeschleuniger). Die Palette unserer Dienstleistungen reicht von der Entwicklung, Konstruktion, über die Produktion und Testen bis hin zur Endmontage.
STREICHER, spol. s r.o. Plzen is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the internationally operating STREICHER Group. The core business of the mechanical engineering division is the production of vacuum systems, vacuum chambers and complete vacuum systems and their components for the chemical, pharmaceutical, food and semiconductor industries, vacuum coating, vacuum metallurgy, vacuum heat treatment, the aerospace industry (test systems, temperatures from -180 to +250°C) and for science and research (laser and optical technologies, particle accelerators). Our services range from development, design, production and testing to final assembly.

Agilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH
Agilent vacuum pumps, pumping systems, measurement instruments, components, and helium leak detectors allow you to create, measure, and maintain vacuum for your applications, processes, or research. Learn about Agilent's clean, dry, quiet IDP scroll pumps, high performance, high compression TwisTorr turbo pumps, optimized, UHV/XHV ready ion pumps and controllers, and rugged, reliable helium leak detectors.

Agilent leverages its Varian Vacuum roots to fulfill your vacuum needs with product value and experienced, knowledgeable support. Agilent pumps, systems, and components enable advanced research in physics, analytical instrumentation, and nanotechnology, they are also a perfect fit for industrial processes.

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