EMMI Nuclear and Quark Matter seminar

Modeling soft physics in heavy ion collision experiments: from GeV to TeV energies

durch Prof. Yuri Sinyukov (Bogolyubov Institute, Kiev, Ukraine; Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland; EMMI/GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)

Theory Seminar Room - BZ SB3 3.170a (GSI)

Theory Seminar Room - BZ SB3 3.170a



In this study we analyse the properties and evolution dynamics of new forms of matter created in nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies varying in the widest range, from a few GeV to ten TeV scales, within a unified model, describing in detail the full process of matter evolution, including its thermalisation at the initial phase of collision. The problem of the phase transition between quark-gluon and hadron states of matter, as well as possible existence of the corresponding critical end point is one of the most interesting in this regard.