EMMI Nuclear and Quark Matter seminar

Heavy quarkonia and the Quark-Gluon Plasma: a saga with (at least) three episodes

by Enrico Scomparin (INFN and University of Torino, Italy)

KBW Lecture Hall (GSI)

KBW Lecture Hall


Abstract The suppression of heavy quarkonium states is considered as one of the key observables for the study of the phase transition from a system made of hadrons towards a Quark-Gluon Plasma. In the last 25 years, experiments at various facilities around the world, and in particular at Brookhaven and CERN, have studied collisions of heavy-ions looking for signals of such a transition. In this seminar, after a brief introduction, I will describe hopes, failures and successes in the study of charmonia and bottomonia and in particular of their survival in a high-temperature QCD medium. A particular emphasis will be given to very recent results obtained in this field at LHC energies by the ALICE, ATLAS and CMS experiments.