- FAIR GSI Meeting
- FAIR GSI Meeting - numbered
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
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Zoom connection for Open Sessions:
Meeting-ID: 685 7916 0275
Kenncode: GPAC46
Korten, Wolfram: Search for bound-state pair conversion in bare atomic nuclei
Chen, Rui Jiu: Exploration of $0^+$ shape isomers in $^{72}$Kr$^{36+}$ and $^{68}$Se$^{34+}$ via Schottky isochronous mass spectrometry
Sanjari, Mohammad Shahab: Harvesting Isomers, LIfetime & MAsses (ILIMA) south-west of 208Pb
Yamaguchi, Takayuki: Isomer beam technique and its first reaction studies with ESR
Dillmann, Iris: Symbiotic measurement of masses, half-lives, and neutron branching ratios of 137,138I at the ESR
Mascali, David: Measurement of the bound-state and continuum β decay of 134Cs55+ ions
Sidhu, Ragandeep Singh: Influence of Hyperfine Interaction on Nuclear Electron Capture in 111Sn
Wimmer, Kathrin: Charge-changing and reaction cross sections to investigate the N = 60 shape transition
Gorska-Ott, Magdalena: Isomer and decay spectroscopy in the A ∼ 80-90 region, between the N=Z line and the N=50 shell closure
Gottardo, Andrea: PROBING SHAPE COEXISTENCE IN 186,188Pb
Pellumaj, Julgen: Study of neutron-rich nuclides in the A = 170−180 deformed region
Chen, Zhiqiang: Searching for new h_{11/2}^{n} isomers in the A∼150 region near the proton drip line
Werner, Volker: Fast-timing measurement of 154,156Nd: Probing maximum quadrupole deformation
Pietraszko, Jerzy: Status Experiment and Expected Pion Beam Intensities
Messchendorp, Johan: Highlights of 2014 Pion Beam Run and Justification of Proposal 209 and 255
Dickel, Timo: Isotopic production cross sections and high-precision mass measurements of 186W projectile fragments
Purushothaman, Sivaji: Towards the Therapeutic Applications of 15O
Mukha, Ivan: Nuclear structure at limits of existence: tri-, tetra- and hexa- proton systems
Xu, Xiao-Dong: Search for two-proton radioactivity of the predicted bubble-like nucleus 34Ca
Constantin, Paul: Next stage of MNT driven neutron-rich isotope studies at the FRS Ion Catcher
Roy, Aritra: A systematic study on the necessity of scaling of charge-changing cross-sections with varying incident beam energies and its implications on the deduced point proton radii
Stefanescu, Ionut Catalin: β-delayed proton decay of proton rich nuclei as a tool to study (p,γ) reactions in extreme stellar environments
Mollaebrahimi, Ali: Production and mass measurements of heavy nuclides via 238U + Be fragmentation
Vardaci, Emanuele: Production of neutron-rich nuclei with mass number around 200 via multinucleon transfer in the reactions 197Au+121Sb and 197Au+138Ba
Prajapat, Rinku: Exploring Multinucleon Transfer reaction process using alpha spectroscopy: A systematic study on yield, spin and angular distributions
Ferrer-Garcia, Rafael: Extending laser spectroscopy of heavy elements around $N=152$ to new isotopes and isomers
Giacoppo, Francesca: Precision Mass Measurements and Detailed Decay Spectroscopy of Neutron-Deficient Mendelevium Isotopes
Jadambaa, Khuyagbaatar: Probing the shell effects in fission-fragments of superheavy nuclei: search for doubly-magic tin and lead fragments
Jadambaa, Khuyagbaatar: Exploring K-isomers in Sg isotopes: search for the new isotope 256Sg
Yakushev, Alexander: Synthesis and chemical study of bohrium carbonyl complex
Stöhlker, Thomas: Introduction to SPARC grouped proposals
Micke, Peter: Quantum logic spectroscopy for frequency metrology with heavy, hydrogen-like ions
Nörtershäuser, Wilfried:
Laser spectroscopy of the 3P0 - 3P1 level splitting in Be-like krypton
Dielectronic-Recombination-Assisted Laser Spectroscopy of Li-Like Bi-208
Exploring the Limits of Bunched Beam Laser Cooling of Relativistic Stored Ions Using 3 Laser Beams (Pulsed and cw) and New Diagnostics
Measurement of electron and nuclear magnetic moments (g-factors) by double-resonance spectroscopy of 209Bi82+
HITHOR: Experiments Towards a Highly-Ionized-229-Thorium Nuclear Clock
Gumberidze, Alexandre:
High-Resolution Electron-Ion Collision Spectroscopy of Be-like U88+: A Strong-Field QED Study with 5 meV Accuracy
Precise measurement of the 1s Lamb shift in hydrogen-like uranium
High-resolution measurement of the exotic Two-Electron One-Photon decay (TEOP) of the 1s(2s)^2 state in Li-like uranium
Towards testing three-loop effects of bound-state QED in heliumlike uranium
Hillenbrand, Pierre-Michel:
Electron Impact Collisions with Xe43+ at the CRYRING Transverse Electron Target: A Complete Measurement
Fast Ion – Slow Ion Collisions @ CRYRING: Exploring quantum dynamics of N-body systems through the study of charge exchange in ion-ion collisions.
Electron capture in ion-atom collisions in the unexplored low-energy regime
Neutralisation of Slow Highly Charged Ions in Porous Si Membranes
Bruno, Carlo:
Investigating explosive accreting binary stellar systems using radioactive fluorine beams at CARME@CRYRING
Search for Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture (NEEC)
Proton-capture on 91Nb - A key to the explosive nucleosynthesis of the p nuclei
Determination of the 205Pb(n,gamma) cross section with surrogate reactions at the ESR