May 19 – 22, 2025
GSI Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin timezone

The 20th Direct Drive and Fast Ignition Workshop (DDFIW) continue a series of meetings dedicated to inertial confinement research in Europe. DDFIW provides a unique opportunity for European and overseas scientists working in theory, simulations, and experiments to present and discuss their latest results and future plans in an informal atmosphere. The meeting also addresses new schemes for inertial confinement fusion and related science at the cutting edge of high energy density physics research.

Representatives of leading laser user facilities will illustrate the opportunities for new experiments and the development of simulation codes and their validation with experiments will be discussed. The workshop will also give students and young scientists the chance to learn about IFE science and look for collaborations and opportunities offered by worldwide experimental, simulation, and theory groups.

Conference Chair: V. Tikhonchuk, CELIA U. Bordeaux & ELI-BL

Scientific Committee:

S. Atzeni, Focused Energy Darmstadt
D. Batani, CELIA University of Bordeaux
B. Canaud, CEA, CEA-DIF
V. Goncharov, LLE University of Rochester
J. J. Honrubia, UPM Madrid
O. Klimo, CTU Prague & ELI-BL
P. Neumayer, GSI Darmstadt
A. P. L. Robinson, RAL Oxford
K. Shigemori, ILE Osaka
V. Tikhonchuk, CELIA U. Bordeaux & ELI-BL


Organizing Committee:

V. Bagnoud, GSI Darmstadt
P. Neumayer, GSI Darmstadt
V. Tikhonchuk, CELIA U. Bordeaux & ELI-BL
S. Atzeni, Focused Energy Darmstadt

GSI Darmstadt
KBW Auditorium
Planckstrasse 1 64291 Darmstadt
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.