Date : 09.12.2024
Participants : Tassos, Radek, David, Zubayer, Abhishek, Shreya
Tassos : Overview – LHCb OT at GSI
Project students have tested electronics compatible with the OT straws (short module), and also geometry was implemented in PANDARoot
Short modules are separable from the OT
Radek : MUon Straw Tracker First simulations with Panda OT Geometry
Abhishek : MuCH RPC rates
Shreya : LHCb OT rates & aging status
10 MHz/straw (pp collisions √s=1.38 TeV), 3-15% occupancy,
No irradiation effects observed (~0.4 C/cm in hottest region)
The next meeting will take place on 13 Jan 2025 11:00 (CET).
Meeting Adjourned.
Minutes provided by Shreya and Tassos.