
AP-Seminar: Resonant Coherent Excitation of Planar Channeled Hydrogen-like Ions: Theory and Simulations

durch Dr. A.A. Babaev (INFN, Sez. Univ. La Sapienza, Rome, Italy)

Seminarraum Atomphysik (GSI)

Seminarraum Atomphysik


The planar channeled ion moves through the crystal along crystallographic planes and oscillates between them. The space-periodic electric field of crystal is transformed into the time-periodic field in the ion rest frame. The resonant coherent excitation (RCE) of an ion can take place when the frequency of this time-dependent field coincides the transition frequency between two electronic energy levels of the ion. The overview of planar channeled H-like RCE theory is given. The transition probability under the influence of time-dependent periodical field is considered. The possible ionization of an ion is taken into account. The “survived” as well as ionized fractions in the outgoing beam are obtained. The results of simulations as well as the comparison with experimental data are presented.