GSI-FAIR Colloquium

3d Magnetic Textures

durch Jan Masell (KIT & RIKEN)

Main Lecture Hall (GSI)

Main Lecture Hall



Magnetic textures, i.e., the smoothly varying magnetization in a solid, has been subject of fundamental and applied physics research for a century. However, only with recent advances in magnetic tomography imaging techniques, textures that spiral in all three spatial dimensions could be observed. Moreover, the zoo of topologically distinct textures and complicated energy landscapes in 3d offer numerous challenges for the description and prediction of phenomena in 3d magnetic materials. In this talk, I will highlight recent advances in 3d magnetic imaging, in our understanding of 3d magnetic textures and in our combined efforts in finding non-trivial 3d magnetic textures in real materials.            


Organisiert durch

Wolfgang Quint
Carlo Ewerz
Yury Litvinov