
AP-Seminar: CRYRING@ESR - Status and perspectives

durch Michael Lestinsky (GSI Darmstadt)

Seminarraum Atomphysik (GSI)

Seminarraum Atomphysik


For two decades the Stockholm heavy ion storage ring CRYRING was a successful instrument in atomic and molecular physics. It is uniquely capable for storage of slow, heavy, highly charged ions and thus, merging CRYRING into the storage ring infrastructure of FAIR/GSI will greatly enhance its scientific leverage with a new access to heavy and highly charged and exotic ions. Thus, unique opportunities for atomic and nuclear physics, for biophysics, and for materials research will arise from the new facility. CRYRING is an accepted Swedish in-kind contribution to FAIR and is presently being transported to Darmstadt. In this talk, the status and perspectives of CRYRING@ESR will be presented.