7-8 pages : Understanding the properties of hadrons and their excitation spectrum --> PANDA, HADES, CBM + FAIR Phase-0 worldwide (Jim++)
10-11 pages : Establishing the QCD phase structure and understanding the microscopic properties of QCD matter at vanishing and high net baryon densities --> HADES, CBM, ALICE (Andrea, Ralf, Ilya, TG, Silvia, Joachim, Hannah++)
10-11 pages : Understanding nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, and superheavy elements as well as their relevance for nuclear astrophysics --> NUSTAR + Neutrino from Livia (Christoph++, kindly include Livia to the writing team)
1 page : Understanding the origin of the matter–antimatter asymmetry and testing fundamental symmetries --> EDM at COSY, ALPs with CASPEr (Jörg, Frank++)
1 page each from above : Theory