15 July 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone


15 Jul 2024, 15:00
SB3 3.170a Seminarraum Theorie (GSI)

SB3 3.170a Seminarraum Theorie



-- New colleague for Helmholtz Coordination at GSI: Luminita Mikhail
-- Composition of Review Panel – not final yet

-- Future Activities (not: Future Challenges) (up to 1 page)
-- Strategic Partnerships (up to 1 page) (institutionalized partnerships, e.g. Partner-Unis, Networks, Clinics, …) incl. Third-party projects?

-- Vol. I: GSI responsibles of programs send updated texts by July 19 to L. Mihaila (K. Füssel)! next draft of joint version on seafile by July 22/23 (L. Mihaila)
-- Retreat end Aug. / beginning of Sep. Dates to be fixed
-- Give first version to JSC by October 1 (JSC Oct. 22-23)
-- Presentation to Supervisory Board of GSI → GSI Aufsichtsrat: Meeting Nov. 14, 2024
-- Deadline final Report to Helmholtz: 2 months before Center Evaluation -> Feb. 1, 2025 (strict!)

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.