
Trapped Ions in Strong Fields – Penning Trap Mass Measurements and Combining Paul Traps with Optical Tweezers

by Rima Schüssler (University of Amsterdam)

KBW. 2.028 & Room 638 5681 6325 (GSI & Zoom)

KBW. 2.028 & Room 638 5681 6325

GSI & Zoom

https://gsi-fair.zoom.us/j/63856816325 Meeting-ID: 638 5681 6325 Passcode: AP_Seminar dial by phone +496938079884,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland +496950500951,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland

The exceptional control over trapped ions allows them to be used in a wide range of research. In this talk, I will cover two different examples I have worked on.

High-precision Penning trap mass spectrometry has applications in various areas of fundamental physics, ranging from neutrino mass determinations to tests of quantum electrodynamics. Here, we used it for the first time to identify transitions of long-lived metastable states by determining the mass difference between the excited and ground state. Reaching uncertainties of mass-ratio measurements on the level of 𝛿𝑚/𝑚 ≤ 10−11 or better, the PENTATRAP experiment, synchronously operating five Penning traps, allowed for the determination of long-lived metastable states in (highly-charged) 187Re29+ with a few eV uncertainty.

Trapped ions in Paul trap are a promising platform for quantum computing or simulations. Combining it with optical tweezers, i.e. tightly focussed laser beams, allows us to enlarge the applicability of this platform and tackle quantum problems that are intractable on classical computers. Here, I will present the technical aspects of focussing and aligning optical tweezers onto trapped ions and an algorithm for aberration correction.



Meeting-ID: 638 5681 6325
Passcode: AP_Seminar
dial by phone
+496938079884,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland
+496950500951,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland


Organized by

Alexandre Gumberidze - Department Atomic, Quantum & Fundamental Physics