GSI-FAIR Colloquium

GSI-Kolloquium: Emergence of Exotic Nuclei

by Hiroyoshi Sakurai (RIKEN)

SB1 1.20 (GSI Main Lecture Hall)

SB1 1.20

GSI Main Lecture Hall

“Exotic nuclei” far from the stability line are unique objects of many-body quantum system, where ratios of neutron number to proton number are much larger or much smaller than those of nuclei found in nature. Their exotic properties and phenomena emerge from their large isospin asymmetry, and even affect scenarios of nucleosynthesis in universe. Efforts have been made to produce and investigate such exotic nuclei at the accelerator facilities in the world. One of the facilities, the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) facility at RIKEN, Japan has delivered intense RIBs since 2007. In this seminar, I would like to give a facility overview of RIBF and introduce objectives at RIBF. Special emphasis would be given to selected recent highlights of the emergence. Future programs would be shown and discussed, too.