GSI-FAIR Colloquium

GSI-Kolloquium: Neutron scattering and the ISIS Facility: Past achievements and future prospects

by Uschi Steigenberger (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)

KBW 1.10 (GSI, KBW Lecture Hall)

KBW 1.10

GSI, KBW Lecture Hall

Neutron scattering is a very powerful technique providing unique information on the properties of materials on a molecular and nano-scale level. The ISIS Facility in the UK is a world leading pulsed neutron source – a ‘science factory’ enabling world class research across a diverse range of scientific disciplines. I will give a brief introduction to ISIS and the methodology of neutron scattering and I will discuss the impact of the science programme carried out at ISIS in areas ranging from energy, environment and health to engineering.