GSI-FAIR Colloquium

Farewell Colloquium for Paolo Giubellino

by Dolores Cortina (IFIC, University of Valencia), Peter Thirolf (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

Main Lecture Hall & 689 0943 9772 (GSI & Zoom)

Main Lecture Hall & 689 0943 9772

GSI & Zoom

Zoom-Meeting beitreten Meeting-ID: 689 0943 9772 Kenncode: Coll-11Jun

Dolores Cortina (IFIC, University of Valencia)

Physics with R3B

Since its inception, nuclear physics has used nuclear reactions to deepen our understanding of a quantum system as complex as the atomic nucleus. The arrival of the FAIR beams, in particular the improvement in the intensity delivered, and the development of state-of-the-art instrumentation, open up a wide range of possibilities for carrying out frontier experiments. R3B is a scientific collaboration of FAIR working towards the realization and exploitation of an instrument characterized by the excellent resolution and high acceptance of its detectors. Located after the Super-FRS at the end of the High Energy Branch of this facility, it will receive exotic isotopes of all chemical elements, from hydrogen to uranium, moving at energies around 1 A GeV.
Nuclear reactions induced by these projectiles, in conditions of complete and inverse kinematics, will allow us to explore the limits of the nuclear shell model, to investigate exotic (baryonic and strange) nuclear systems and to reproduce in the laboratory some relevant astrophysical scenarios as neutron stars or the role of fission in the r-process.
In this talk on the occasion of Prof. Paolo Giubellino´s farewell celebration, I will present an historical overview, current technical status and outline of the R3B scientific program. First results achieved in experiments during FAIR Phase-0 and future perspectives for EARLY and FIRST SCIENCE will be also introduced .




Peter Thirolf (Physics Department, LMU München)

The Thorium Nuclear Isomer Clock: A Long and Winding Journey

Today’s most precise timekeeping is based on optical atomic clocks. However, those could potentially be outperformed by a nuclear clock, based on a nuclear transition instead of an atomic shell transition. Such a nuclear clock promises intriguing applications in applied as well as fundamental physics, ranging from geodesy and seismology to the investigation of possible time variations of fundamental constants and the search for Dark Matter. The only candidate so far to drive a nuclear clock is the ‘Thorium Isomer 229mTh’, i.e. the isomeric first excited state of 229Th. The talk will review the enormous progress and breakthrough results that could be achieved in recent years in characterizing the properties and decay parameters of this elusive nuclear excitation, paving the road towards the realization of an ultra-precise nuclear frequency standard and quantum sensor. The talk will also highlight the role that GSI has played and will play in the future in this fascinating highly interdisciplinary research field.


followed by a dinner at the GSI Canteen



Cancellations via email, please!

Zoom room details:

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 689 0943 9772
Kenncode: Coll-11Jun


Organized by

Yvonne Leifels
Wolfgang Quint
Carlo Ewerz
Yury Litvinov