27 November 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


Progress on ToDos

27 Nov 2023, 15:45
SB1 Seitenraum Hörsaal (GSI)

SB1 Seitenraum Hörsaal



-- fix MU-CML structure and prepare one page on science goals for FoPoZi
-- collect list of the sub-topics --> make sure that idea fits the concept
-- integrate better neutrino activities (Livia is available and will join us on Nov 27th)
-- identify leaders of sub-tropics (if we decide on this structure)
-- ALICE TPC activities were part of the MU-CML, we discussed that strategically it would be essential to move detector &D activities to MT, do we need to prepare some text?
-- Following the ideas emerged from the Retreat on Silicon Detector @ GSI/FAIR, and which are summarised in the strategy paper "Towards next generation silicon sensors at GSI/FAIR", we discussed that we shall include silicon detector developments in MT
-- discuss strategic development of the CML in terms of personal
-- HZDR strategic partner with nuclear astrophysics, get in contact with Colleagues and understand if there is a wish to join MU activities
-- news on FAIR role in Helmholtz, how to integrate FAIR experiments?

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.
Building timetable...