
Latest Results of the ALPHATRAP g-factor Experiment

by Fabian Heiße (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)

KBW 2.028 & Room 638 5681 6325 (GSI & Zoom)

KBW 2.028 & Room 638 5681 6325

GSI & Zoom

https://gsi-fair.zoom.us/j/63856816325 Meeting-ID: 638 5681 6325 Passcode: AP_Seminar dial by phone +496938079884,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland +496950500951,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland

Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered to be the most successful quantum field theory in the Standard Model. Its most precise test is conducted via the comparison of QED calculations with the measurement of the free electron g-factor. However, this test is restricted to low electrical field strengths. Consequently, it is of utmost importance to perform similar tests at high field strengths. The ALPHATRAP experiment is a dedicated cryogenic Penning-trap setup to measure the gyromagnetic g-factor of bound electrons in highly charged ions. We have recently measured the g-factor of hydrogen-like tin (118Sn49+). The comparison with precise theory calculation verifies QED in extreme electric fields, in the order of 10^15 V/cm.

Furthermore, by co-trapping two hydrogen-like neon ions (20Ne9+ and 22Ne9+) we have determined their isotope g-factor shift with 13 digits precision in respect of g. This allows to test the QED recoil contribution to highest precision and to set limits on hypothetical new physics beyond the standard model.

Finally, I will give an outlook on upcoming studies and prospects.


Meeting-ID: 638 5681 6325
Passcode: AP_Seminar
dial by phone
+496938079884,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland
+496950500951,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland


Organized by

Alexandre Gumberidze - Department Atomic, Quantum & Fundamental Physics