13.–14. Nov. 2023
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

The next HISPEC-DESPEC collaboration meeting will be held at GSI and in hybrid mode, on 13.-14. November. We plan to start Monday after lunch, with standard communications and updates from the collaboration, followed by a discussion on the status of the data analysis from each of the experiments that run so far. In particular, we will focus on results which will be finalized soon and ready to be submitted for publication.

Physics cases for Early Science/First Science (ES/FS) phase of FAIR are also encouraged to be presented and discussed.  

Like in previous meeting, we dedicate presentations on the experiments which were performed. The talks will contain: 

- Feedback from data taking, problems and specific issues if any;

- Status of analysis;

- Results that can be expected at the current stage of analysis;                                                                                                                                           

- Plan for publications, if already available;

- Plans for ES/FS

The spokespersons of the following experiments (S480, S452, S460, S496, S497, S450, S505, S506) are asked to communicate to the management board the name of a speaker who will present results on the ongoing data analysis. 

The second term of the HISPEC-DESPEC spokes and co-spokesperson (G. Benzoni, P. Reiter) will end and no prolongation is possible. The election of the new HISPEC-DESPEC spokes and co-spokesperson will be held in the following weeks. Giovanna and Peter will step down and  the outcome of the election will be announced at the upcoming collaboration meeting. 

A detailed program of the collaboration meeting will be circulated at a later date.

SB3 3.170a Theory Seminar Room
Die Anmeldephase für diese Veranstaltung läuft derzeit.