
Change in Nuclear Decay Rate: Possible Studies in a VECC Penning Ion TrapCANCELLED

by Parnika Das (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)

Room 638 5681 6325 (Zoom)

Room 638 5681 6325



It is generally believed that the half-life of radioactive materials remains constant. However, a change in the nuclear decay rate, especially for nuclei decaying via the electron capture process, has been observed, confirming the influence of host environments on such decays. Interesting precision experiments have been performed, and the observed changes in decay rate are not well understood using available state-of-the-art density functional calculations. The possibility of storing radioactive nuclei in a high charge state for an extended period in a Penning trap is very intriguing, as it would create extreme conditions, and it is expected that a dramatic change in decay rate would be observed. Challenges associated with performing such an experiment and its importance will be discussed. A glimpse of a possible demonstration of a nuclear switch in a Penning trap will also be presented.




Organized by

Alexandre Gumberidze - Department Atomic, Quantum & Fundamental Physics