14.–20. Jan. 2024
Darmstädter Haus
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Hirschegg Panorama

EMMI Workshop and International Workshop L on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations: "Strong interaction physics of heavy flavors"

Scope of the meeting

The workshop addresses the following main topics and goals:

  • Exotic hadrons with heavy flavors

    In this track we will discuss the spectrum of heavy-hadrons with an emphasis on exotic states such as tetraquarks/ meson molecules, pentaquarks, hybrids, and glueballs. We will address the following key questions:

    - What do we know about the structure of exotic hadrons with heavy quarks?
    - What are current experimental highlights and which future measurements can be expected?
    - What is the status of theoretical determinations of the QCD spectrum with heavy quarks?
    - Which future observables will lead to insights regarding the structure of exotic QCD states?

  • Finite Volume methods

    Finite-volume methods provide an avenue to understand scattering amplitudes and resonances. Due to improved computer resources, novel methodologies, and algorithmic developments, studies of excited- and multi-hadron states in lattice QCD are now standard. In parallel, finite-volume methods have been applied to understand multi-particle resonances and dripline nuclei. In this context, we will focus on the following key questions:

    - What is the status of the three-body quantization condition and its application in the analysis of lattice data? How can theoretical uncertainties in the extracted observables be minimized?
    - What are practical applications of extensions to decay processes and what needs to be done on the simulation side?
    - How important are the contributions from long-range pion exchange and how can they be addressed?

  • Open heavy flavor hadron spectra and yields

    This part of the meeting will discuss how a quark-gluon or hadronic medium affects the yields and momentum spectrum of hadrons containing heavy quarks. Key questions to address include:

    - What are heavy-ion experiments teaching us about the heavy-flavor interactions with the quark-gluon plasma?
    - What have we learned and where should we focus our future effort?

  • Quarkonium suppression and enhancement

    The yield of doubly-heavy states, especially J/ψ, are lower in heavy-ion collisions than the scaled proton-proton rate, except at the highest collision energies, where these states are actually enhanced.  In discussing how this occurs, we will address the following key questions:

    - What is the latest experimental situation, and what progress can we expect in the next round of experiments?
    - Which role does thermodynamics play in the formation of heavy-flavor hadrons and, in particular, quarkonium states?
    - What nonequilibrium processes are at work and how can we best predict suppression/enhancement?

Workshop format

The program will consist of invited talks and selected contributions. Sessions will take place from 9:00am to 12:00am and from 4:45pm to 7:00pm.

The workshop takes place at the Darmstädter Haus.


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