
HEPTrepreneurs Episode 12




HEPTrepreneurs is the online series of events organised by HEPTech and GSI in collaboration with CERN dedicated to all members and partners of the network. The series focusses of High Energy Physics Entrepreneurship and covers various themes. The inspirational and interactive talks, round tables and keynotes are made for all those interested in entrepreneurship, but also for young people who want to know more about alternatives careers to research and for technology transfer officers looking for people to inspire. The meetings will include a presentation, a Q&A session and offers possibilities for networking.


HEPTrepreneurs Episode 12

Type: Technical Talk and Q&A

Title: Entrepreneurial Finance from a Business Angel's perspective: about early stage and later stage financing, investors interest and exits

Speaker: Dr. Norbert Linn, TU Darmstadt & LINK LinnINvestitionsKapital

Abstract: Dr. Norbert Linn has started his career as a business angel in 2008 and is a member of various investor networks. During this time, he has invested in 12 start-ups in various industries and accompanied three of them to exit. He also teaches Entrepreneurial Finance at the Technical University in Darmstadt (TUD), Germany and is part of the TUD start-up seminar jury.

In this episode Norbert Linn shares his experiences with you, tells about his successes and failures and what investors look for when investing in a start-up. He introduces you to the world of entrepreneurial finance, clarifies important terms and shows the different phases and sources of financing. In addition, you will learn from a scientific point of view what makes a start-up successful and financially "attractive" and how the exit can look later on. At the end he will answer your questions about funding, investors and more.

Join Videoconference:


Zoom Meeting ID: 637 3412 6640

Passcode: 39411698

Information on data protection: zoom.us/de-de/privacy.html


HEPTech: http://www.heptech.eu/, https://www.linkedin.com/company/66190639

GSI / FAIR: https://www.gsi.de, https://www.linkedin.com/company/gsi-helmholtz-centre-for-heavy-ion-research/mycompany/
