24. April 2023
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone
Dear colleagues,
We cordially invite you to a LIGHT meeting on April 24, from 10 am to 4 pm. The meeting will take place at GSI in the small lecture hall in the south building (SB1 1.201) left of the large one.

The agenda will include some presentation of the current status and accomplishments of the LIGHT beamline to date, as well as discussions on short- to long-term plans with the LIGHT beamline. This will include the upcoming experiments on the energy loss with ions from the LIGHT beamline as well as the injection of LIGHT protons into the transfer channel (TK) and following into the heavy ion synchrotron SIS18 on the long term side. The focus will be laid to the second topic, where working packages, possible R&D projects, theoretical support and possible funding will be elaborated.
For this we ask you for contributions (talks) on possible collaboration topics.

There will be a Zoom meeting where you can listen to the talks if you are not able to be there in person:


Meeting-ID: 693 7418 1325

Kenncode: 957307

SB Seitenraum-Hörsaal
Planckstr. 1 64291 Darmstadt