1 November 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone
Festkolloquium anlässlich des 80. Geburtstags von H.H. Gutbrod

Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans H.Gutbrod

This year Hans will be 80 years old. To mark the occasion, a celebratory colloquium will be held at GSI in Darmstadt on November 1st, 2022, at 14:30.

Hans is one of the pioneers of relativistic heavy ion physics. As a GSI staff scientist, he was at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where he built, together with Arthur Poskanzer and Hans Georg Ritter, the 4pi detector "Plastic Ball". They discovered the collective behaviour of nuclear matter ("flow"), which remains one of the most important observables in heavy-ion physics today.

Subsequently, at CERN, Hans was the spokesperson for the pioneering SPS heavy ion experiments WA80/93/98. There, together with Jürgen Schukraft and others, he also laid the foundations for the LHC experiment ALICE. In 1991, he was appointed director of SUBATECH in Nantes, where he also served as spokesperson for ALICE-FRANCE. In 2002, Hans returned to GSI and made essential contributions to shaping the FAIR project as head of the Joint Core Team.

In this colloquium, four distinguished fellow scientists will trace Hans' life's work through his scientific achievements.


Prof. K.H. Kampert, Wuppertal

Forming a New Science: The Plastic Ball at the Berkeley Bevalac


Prof. Th. Peitzmann, Utrecht

A Universal Light Experience


Break with Tea and Cookies



Prof. Paolo Giubellino, GSI/FAIR

The ALICE Years


Prof. H. Stöcker, Frankfurt

FAIR in Europe - von den Wurzeln bis heute - 50 gute Jahre mit Hans - in 50 Minuten


Medical masks are required in the hall!

Online Participation:

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 656 3950 0651
Kenncode: 952684


Main Lecture Hall and Zoom
Zoom-Meeting beitreten https://gsi-fair.zoom.us/j/65639500651 Meeting-ID: 656 3950 0651 Kenncode: 952684
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