10:15 AM
Measurements of W-values for carbon ions in argon, nitrogen and air
U. Giesen
10:30 AM
Physical characterization of therapy beams: Nuclear fragmentation studies for O-16 and He-4 ions
G. Martino
10:50 AM
Characterization of high-energy neutron fields for shielding studies
C. La Tessa
11:30 AM
Detection of prompt g-rays to monitor the dose distribution in the patient during an hadrontherapy: test of a multi-detector
E. Testa
11:50 AM
Experiments for real time in-vivo dosimetry for ion therapy
N. Saito
12:10 PM
Ion beam sensor for internal motion detection
12:30 PM
Mitigation of the dosimetric impact of target motion
C. Bert
2:00 PM
Further technical development of the GSI ion microbeam for radiobiology
K.-O. Voss
2:20 PM
Radiation induced anti-inflammatory effects in a human cell co-culture model of epithelium and connective lung tissue
C. Fournier
3:45 PM
Experiments with energy modulated particle beams and biological verification of carbon ion treatment planning
W. Kraft-Weyrather