Half an EMMI Day on 2-2-22

Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2022 - 13:30
online (Zoom)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
13:30 Studies of Exotic Physics with Antiprotons and Protons - Stefan Ulmer (RIKEN)   (Zoom)
14:00 Many-body quantum states in ultracold Bose gases of dipolar atoms — fluctuation stabilisation and self organisation - Lauriane Chomaz (U Heidelberg)   (Zoom)
14:30 IReNA and Rare Isotopes in Accreting Neutron Stars - Hendrik Schatz (MSU)   (Zoom)
15:00 --- Break ---
15:15 Unparticle physics and universality - Hans-Werner Hammer (TU Darmstadt)   (Zoom)
15:45 Probing nuclear matter under extreme conditions with dileptons in heavy-ion collisions - Raphaelle Bailhache (U Frankfurt)   (Zoom)
16:15 --- Break ---
16:30 Neutron star mergers: black hole formation, hadron-quark phase transition and gravitational waves - Andreas Bauswein (GSI)   (Zoom)
17:00 Ion Structure and Ion-Ion Collisions with storage rings - Martino Trassinelli (Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, Sorbonne U)   (Zoom)