- upcoming Grid workshop in Germany.
Current suggestion:
Kurpark-Hotel Bad Dürkheim
Schloßplatz 1-4
D-67098 Bad Dürkheim
Telefon: 06322 / 797- 0
Fax: 06322 / 797-158
email: info@kurpark-hotel.de
homepage: www.kurpark-hotel.de
Termin: 12./16.09.2011
September 19-23 !!!
This happens to be at the same time as the „Wurstmarkt” (12./13th of September and 16./17./18.9.)
PLEASE NOTE: Due to ALICE WEEK the event has to be moved one week later or one week before that.
I would suggest the week from 19.-23. September.
Then we have a chance to see the Wurstmarkt on the weekend before the workshop for people who like to arrive earlier.
The largest German Wine Festival
Just in walking distance from the hotel.
The hotel offers 16 Mbit WLAN and all other conference facilities.
Price per person will be 123 Euro including everything (room, breakfast, lunch, dinner, conference facilities)
PS: the workshop should be named "AliEn developer week". Since CERN has now an official AliEn project in IT it will be easier for them to join.