Theory Seminar

Collective neutrino oscillations in neutrino-driven windsONLINE ONLY

by Dr Zewei Xiong (GSI)

Zoom (Meeting ID 931 7895 5019, Passcode: theosem)

Zoom (Meeting ID 931 7895 5019, Passcode: theosem)


A proto-neutron star produced in a core-collapse supernova drives a wind by its intense neutrino emission. Those dense neutrino media can undergo various collective neutrino oscillations and exert feedback on the wind through neutrino absorptions and emissions. I study the effects of active-sterile neutrino oscillations and fast flavor oscillations in the wind. Active-sterile neutrino oscillations with a sterile neutrino on the eV scale can reduce the mass loss rate and the wind velocity by factors of ~1.6–2.7 and change the electron fraction critical to nucleosynthesis by a large amount. In the most dramatic cases, oscillations shift nucleosynthesis from dominant production of Sc-45 to that of Kr-86 and Zr-90 during the early epochs. Potential effects of fast flavor oscillations are to increase the total mass loss by factors up to ~1.5–1.7 and lead to more proton-rich conditions. The latter effect enhances the production of light p-nuclei Se-74, Kr-78, and Sr-84.

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